Giovanni Alberti, Frobenius theorem for nonsmooth surfaces
Andrea Braides, Beyond the classical Cauchy-Born rule
Yann Brenier, On the apparent non-convexity of several generalizations of optimal transport
Giuseppe Buttazzo, Antagonistic cost functionals in shape optimization
Xavier Cabré, Stable solutions to semilinear elliptic equations are smooth up to dimension 9
Piermarco Cannarsa, Singularities of solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi equations: from PDE’s to topology, passing through geometric measure theory
Gianni Dal Maso, Homogenisation of free discontinuity problems
Guido De Philippis, Min-Max construction of anisotropic minimal surfaces
Alessio Figalli, Free boundary regularity for the obstacle problem
Irene Fonseca, Phase separation in heterogeneous media
Massimo Fornasier, Wassertein Sobolev spaces: numerics and deep learning over P_2
Nicola Fusco, Local and global minimizers for a capillarity type problem
Adriana Garroni, Variational approach for grain boundaries
Nicola Gigli, Hyperbolic nonsmooth calculus
Shouhei Honda, Singular Weyl's law with Ricci curvature bounded below
Carlo Mantegazza, The Riemannian Penrose inequality via nonlinear potential theory
Simon Masnou, Numerical approximation of mean curvature flows using neural networks
Andrea Mondino, Timelike Ricci bounds and Einstein's theory of gravity in a non smooth setting: an optimal transport approach
Diego Pallara, Mean value formulas for degenerate parabolic equations
Giuseppe Savaré, Evolution of probability measures: beyond gradient flows
Francesco Serra Cassano, Sobolev regularity of flows associated to vector fields with exponential or sub-exponential summability
Dario Trevisan, Concave Random Assignment Problem in One Dimension: Kantorovich Meets Young